Can a delegated administrator view the organizational view in Trusted Advisor?

Can a delegated administrator view the organizational view in Trusted Advisor?

Clock Icon2024.08.21


The issue

I designated a member account in AWS Organizations as a delegated administrator for Trusted Advisor.

When I tried to view the organizational view in Trusted Advisor using the delegated member account, the organizational view was not displayed, and it was displayed using the management account of Organizations.

Can a delegated administrator view the organizational view in Trusted Advisor?

The solution

At the time of writing this article, it is not possible for a delegated administrator to view the organizational view in Trusted Advisor.

However, a delegated administrator can use Trusted Advisor Priority.

AWS official documentation

Delegated administrator accounts can review, acknowledge, resolve, dismiss, and reopen recommendations in Trusted Advisor Priority.

As an alternative, you can use the management account to view the organizational view. Additionally, AWS re:Post introduces a method using QuickSight, so please consider this option based on your requirements.

AWS re:Post

Currently the delegated admin functionality only allows you to have access to Tusted Advisor Priority findings. Delegated administrator accounts can review, acknowledge, resolve, dismiss, and reopen recommendations in Trusted Advisor Priority. More details can be found here on delegated admin

One alternative is to deploy the Trusted Advisor Organizational Dashboard which uses the data from the Organizational View Reports to display this Trusted Advisor data in a QuickSight dashboard. You can view a demo of that dashboard here



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